hololive Meet @ Hong Kong 2025 ft. Mori Calliope & Takanashi Kiara

Organizer LifeDeCo
This event requires real-name registration. Please have the identity information of all attendees ready before purchasing. Registration information cannot be modified once the order is complete.

hololive Meet @ Hong Kong 2025 ft. Mori Calliope & Takanashi Kiara

將hololive的聲音傳到世界!「hololive Meet」作為結合hololive 旗下所有團體的共同項目企劃,
此次帶來,來自 hololive English -Myth-的成員 「Mori Calliope」與「Takanashi Kiara」!!

KKTIX - 購票網址02/23(日)於FB粉專與公式X (原Twitter) 公告。
AlipayHK APP - 購票方式02/18(二)於Alipay HK FB 專頁公告。

📣協力:AlipayHK, Daymaker Creatives
📣企劃:COVER Corporation

Bringing hololive’s Voices to the World!
"hololive Meet" is a global project that brings together all hololive groups, hosting amazing events worldwide and getting tons of love from fans everywhere! After an awesome time in Taipei, we’re excited to make Hong Kong the second city to have its very own hololive Meet event! Get ready for an unforgettable experience
This time, we’re bringing Mori Calliope and Takanashi Kiara from hololive English -Myth--!! ✨

📣Where to buy:
KKTIX - Ticket purchase link will be shared on February 23 (Sunday) via our official Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) pages!
For AlipayHK App - the ticket purchasing method will be announced at Alipay HK's Official Facebook Page on 18th February (Tuesday)!

📣 Report Scalpers Here: cs@holomeethkg25.com
📣 Organizer & Production: LifeDeCo
📣 Partner: AlipayHK, Daymaker Creatives
📣 Planning: COVER Corporation


節目資訊 Event Information

Show Date
2025年3月30日 (星期日)
Sunday, 30 March 2025
Doors Open
Show Time
晚上7時正 – 晚上8時30分 (約90分鐘)
7:00PM – 8:30PM (Approximately 90 minutes)
The programme duration is subject to the actual circumstances.
MacPherson Stadium
地  址
38 Nelson Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon
Ticket Price
(全場坐位 All Seated)

每張門票需要加上 HK$12 KKTIX 平台服務費。
KKTIX booking fee of HK$12 is applicable to each ticket.


實名制抽選登記 Real-name Ballot Registration

此活動使用實名制門票登記抽選,門票可於 KKTIX 網站登記抽選及購買。
Real-name tickets ballot registration is implemented for this event. Tickets are available for ballot registration and for sale on the KKTIX website.

第一階段 - 實名制抽選登記
開放登記時間:2025年2月24日 (一) 12:00 – 2025年2月26日 (三) 23:59 截止。
※ 每位 KKTIX 會員只限登記 1 次,並需先通過手機驗證。
※ 每位會員帳號每場限登記 2 張門票。一筆訂單內,最多亦只可登記 2 張門票。
※ 完成抽選登記後,恕無法取消或修改任何已提交之登記,包括所有門票數量、種類或價格;或是要求合併登記訂單。因此請務必確定抽選登記完全無誤後再送出。
※ 請於登記頁填寫正確之聯絡人電郵地址,若有填寫錯誤將錯過中選通知。
※ 本次抽選為實名制登記,需填寫所有入場觀眾之完整姓名及身份證明文件號碼。可被接納的證件類型請參閱本頁面之「實名購票須知」。如有觀眾於同一場次重複登記,該名觀眾將被取消抽選資格。KKTIX將保留取消該名觀眾所有抽選登記之權利而不作另行通知。
※ 登記抽選僅限使用 KKTIX 網站登記,App 版並不適用。
※ 若有同行者需共同參與活動,請於同一筆訂單完成登記,分次登記可導致單獨中選。

抽選結果公佈:2025年3月3日 (一) 12:00 經電郵通知。
※ 將陸續經聯絡電郵通知中選者,並將於結果公佈當日全數通知完畢。通知完畢後將於本次活動之 Facebook 粉絲專頁及公式 X (原Twitter) 頁面公告。請使用網頁版 KKTIX 登入會員帳戶的 「訂單」查詢確認。若中選將會顯示「待繳費訂單」;未中選者,則不另行通知。

付款期限:由收到中選通知起至2025年3月5日 (三) 23:59 截止。

敗部復活抽選結果公佈:2025年3月7日 (五) 12:00。
※ 將陸續經聯絡電郵通知中選者,並將於結果公佈當日全數通知完畢。通知完畢後將於本次活動之 Facebook 粉絲專頁及公式 X (原Twitter) 頁面公告。請使用網頁版 KKTIX 登入會員帳戶的 「訂單」查詢確認。若中選將會顯示「待繳費訂單」;未中選者,則不另行通知。

敗部復活付款期限:由收到中選通知起至2025年3月8日 (六) 23:59 截止。

Phase 1 - Real-name Ballot Registration
Registration Period: Monday, 24 February 2025 12:00 – Wednesday, 26 February 2025 23:59.  
※ Each KKTIX member with verified phone number is allowed to register once only.  
※ Each member account can register for up to 2 tickets per show. A maximum of 2 tickets can be registered per order.  
※ Once the ballot registration is submitted, no cancellations or modifications can be made to the submitted registration, including all ticket quantities, types, or prices, or requests for merging registration orders. Please ensure that the ballot registration is correct before submitting.
※ Please fill in the correct contact email address on the registration page. Otherwise, the winner notification will be missed.  
※ This ballot requires real-name registration; the full name and identification document number of all attendees must be provided. Please refer to the “Real-Name Registration Notice” on this page for the types of documents allowed. If multiple registrations for the same event is being submitted for the same audience, the audience will be disqualified for the ballot. KKTIX reserves the right to cancel all ballot registrations for that audience without prior notice.
※ Registration for the ticket ballot is only available through the KKTIX website and is not applicable for the App version.  
※ For attending together with a companion, please complete the registration in one order. Separate registrations may result in one successful order only.

Announcement of Ballot Results: Monday, 3 March 2025 12:00 via email.  
※ Ballot results will be notified via email. All emails will be finished sending within the same day. When all emails are sent, it will be announced on the event’s official Facebook page and the official X (formerly Twitter) page. Please check your “Orders” page on the KKTIX website after logging in to your account. If you are being selected, an unpaid order pending for payment will be found. For those who are not selected will not be notified.

Payment Deadline: From the time of receiving the notification until Wednesday, 5 March 2025 23:59.

Revival Ballot Results Announcement: Friday, 7 March 2025 12:00.  
※ Ballot results will be notified via email. All emails will be finished sending within the same day. When all emails are sent, it will be announced on the event’s official Facebook page and the official X (formerly Twitter) page. Please check your “Orders” page on the KKTIX website after logging in to your account. If you are being selected, an unpaid order pending for payment will be found. For those who are not selected will not be notified.

Revival Ballot Payment Deadline: From the time of receiving the notification until Saturday, 8 March 2025 23:59.


一般購票 General Sale

第二階段 - 實名制一般購票
一般售票時間:2025年3月10日 (一) 12:00 開賣「實名制認證+問答驗證」。
※ 一般購票只釋出實名制登記抽選中未有在期限內付款的票券及任何未售出門票(如有)。

Phase 2 - General Ticket Sale (Real-name Registration)
General Ticket Sale starts: Monday, 10 March 2025 12:00 (Real-name Registration + Q&A)
※ Only tickets that are not paid for within the deadline from the real-name ballot registration, and unsold tickets (if any) will be released during the general sale.


實名購票須知 Real-name Registration Notice

  1. 購買門票前請先詳細閱讀此實名購票須知。一旦成功購票,即代表您接受須知上列出的所有條款及細則。
    Please read this real-name registration notice carefully. You agree to all terms and conditions if you complete your order.

  2. 此活動使用實名制。購買每張門票均須獨立輸入與入場人士之身份證明文件或護照所顯示完全相同的英文全名(須按照下列格式規定)、以及符合要求的身份證明文件或護照號碼首4位字母或數字(範例:A123),以便入場時供主辦單位核實觀眾身份。
    This event requires real-name registration. Each ticket requires the full name shown exactly on the identity document or passport of the attendee (Must fulfill the below listed format requirements) and the first 4 characters or digits of the eligible identity document or passport number (e.g. A123), as to facilitate the identity checking conducted by the organizer at entry.

    姓名 - 必須符合下列輸入格式規定
    1. 只限輸入英文全名(拉丁字母)(其他文字恕不接受,如:中文)
    2. 姓氏先行,然後輸入其他名字
    3. 名字之間須以空格隔開
    (範例:CHAN TAI MAN)

    Name - Must fulfill the below input format requirements:
    1. English full name (or latin characters) only (Other characters are not accepted, such as - Chinese characters)
    2. Input Surname first, then followed by other names
    3. Insert a space between each name
    (Example: SMITH JOHN PETER)

    身份證明文件 - 必須符合下列證件要求
    1. 須為政府發出、有個人照片及有獨有證件編號之有效身份證明文件(例如:身份證、護照)。以下類別證件將不獲接受:任何學生證、沒有照片之駕駛執照、信用卡、會員卡等。
    2. 輸入格式規定:上述有效身份證明文件號碼的首4位字母或數字(範例:A123)。

    Identity document - Must fulfill the below requirements:
    1. Identity document must be valid, issued by government, with personal photo and unique document number (Example: ID card or passport). The following documents will not be accepted: Any student card, driving licence without photo, credit card, membership card, etc.
    2. Input format requirement: the first 4 characters or digits of the listed eligible identity document number (e.g. A123).

  3. 如門票上的姓名或證件號碼跟身份證明文件不符,工作人員將拒絕持票人進場
    If the name or identity number
    on the ticket is unmatched with the identity document of the ticket holder, they will be rejected for entry.
  4. 請於購票前準備好所有入場觀眾的身份證明資料,並必須重複確認輸入正確。購票完成後登記資料不論任何原因均不設任何更改,包括但不限於(於兩張門票上輸入了同一姓名、姓名輸入了錯誤字母、空格位置輸入錯誤)。如觀眾因任何登記資料輸入錯誤而被工作人員拒絕入場,所有門票均不設退款。
    Please have the identity information of all attendees ready before purchasing. All information must be entered correctly and confirmed without any error. Registration information cannot be modified under any circumstances once the order is complete, including but not limited to (entering the same name on two tickets, any incorrect character, any incorrect spacing). If audience is rejected for entry due to any incorrect registration information, their tickets cannot be refunded.


動態QR Code須知 Dynamic QR Code Notice

  1. 此活動須使用動態 QR Code 入場。
    Dynamic QR code is required for the admission of this event.
  2. 購票者須前往 App StoreGoogle Play 下載 KKTIX 應用程式,入場時使用應用程式出示動態QR Code。
    Ticket holders are required to download the KKTIX App on the App StoreGoogle Play and present the dynamic QR code in the app for entry.
  3. 請勿將電子門票 QR Code 截圖。動態 QR Code 將定時不斷更新,任何螢幕截圖或列印本 QR Code 均無法有效入場
    Do not take a screenshot of the QR code on the e-ticket. The dynamic QR code will be updating regularly, and any screenshot or printout of the QR code will not be valid for entry.
  4. 如需轉讓門票給親友,敬請預早於 KKTIX 應用程式內轉讓門票,避免現場可能出現的網絡擠塞。如與購票者同行則可使用同一裝置出示多張門票進場。
    For transferring tickets to friends or family members, please complete transferring the ticket within the KKTIX App in advance to avoid possible network congestion at the show. If attending together with the ticket holder, you can use the same device to present multiple tickets for entry.
  5. 此活動的電子門票轉讓功能將於 2025年3月24日 凌晨12時起 提供。
    The e-ticket transfer function for this event will be available from 12:00AM, 24 March 2025.


粉絲福利 Fan Benefits

Fan benefit activities will be held before or after the show. Ticket holders are advised to pay attention to the announcements by the organizer on social media.


票區圖 Seating Plan

This plan is for reference only. The organizer reserves the rights to modify the seating arrangements and the price.


購票方式說明 How To Buy Tickets

Attention: Using multiple devices, browsers, windows, or pages may result in ticket purchase failure or abnormality.
  1. 本活動採用動態 QR Code 電子門票。成功購買門票後,閣下可隨時在 KKTIX 應用程式查看到電子門票 QR Code。購票者須前往 App StoreGoogle Play 下載 KKTIX 應用程式,入場時使用應用程式出示動態 QR Code。
    Dynamic QR code e-ticket will be issued for this event. E-tickets can be viewed on the KKTIX App upon successful purchase. Ticket holders are required to download the KKTIX App on the App Store / Google Play and present the dynamic QR code in the app for entry.
  2. 門票限以 KKTIX 會員購買。請購票人士先免費加入成會員並盡早通過手機號碼及電子郵件地址驗證,以便進行購票流程。接收不到電話驗證碼短訊怎麼辦?請點我
    To purchase tickets, you must become a KKTIX member. Please sign up as a member for free and verify your email address and phone number at your earliest convenience. Unable to receive the phone number verification code? Please read me.
  3. 為了確保您的權益,強烈建議您在註冊會員或結帳時填寫的聯絡人電子郵件,盡量不要使用 Yahoo 或 Hotmail 郵件信箱,以免因為擋信、漏信,甚至被視為垃圾郵件而無法收到「訂單成立通知信」。
    An order confirmation email will be sent to your registered email address. To avoid the failure of receiving the order confirmation email, KKTIX does NOT suggest using Yahoo or Hotmail email for registration.
  4. 系統發出之 QR Code 電子票券等同正式入場門票,一組 QR Code 限一人使用。如閣下購買的是多張門票,則會收到同等數量的 QR Code。
    The QR code on your e-ticket is equivalent to the official admission ticket. One QR code can only be used by one person. You will receive an equal amount of QR code according to your purchase amount.
  5. 每位 KKTIX 會員及每張信用卡最多可購買 2 張門票。訂單一旦成立,恕不接受更改、取消、退回或退款。
    Each KKTIX member and each payment card can purchase up to 2 tickets. No modifications, cancellations, returns or refunds will be accepted once the order is established.
  6. 每張門票需要收取 HK$12 KKTIX 平台服務費。所有已繳付的平台服務費 (或任何手續費) 於任何情況下均不獲退還。
    KKTIX booking fee of HK$12 will be charged for each ticket. All booking fees (or any other handling fees) charged will not be refunded under any circumstances.
  7. 本活動只接受 VISA / Mastercard / UnionPay 卡付款。
    This event only accepts VISA / Mastercard / UnionPay cards.
  8. 活動為全場坐位:抽選期間座位編號將由系統隨機自動分配,不設自行選擇座位。如購買2張或以上的門票,KKTIX 保留安排分隔座位 (包括以單數方式分配座位) 的權利。一般購票期間僅提供「電腦劃位」,系統將自動配以選擇票價的最合適區域及相連座位。若當下已無相連座位,系統會分配符合選擇張數的不相連座位。
    This is a seated event. Seats will be automatically assigned by the system during the tickets ballot period. No seat selection is available. For booking 2 tickets or above, KKTIX reserves the right to arrange separate seats (including allocation of seats in odd numbers). For general sale, the system will follow the preset logic to scan from the default preferred seat to select appropriate location of the available seats matching the required quantity from customers for their consideration.
  9. 每個訂單成立後會向您發出「訂單成立通知」電郵。電子郵件可能因不同因素未能寄到您的郵箱,因此僅作交易通知之用。沒收到「訂單成立通知」電郵不代表交易沒有成功。一旦無法確認訂單是否交易成功,請前往會員帳戶的「訂單」查詢您的消費資料。只要是成功的訂單,皆會顯示您所消費的資訊;若查不到您所訂購的資訊或是收到訂單逾期取消的通知,即表示交易並未成功,請重新訂票。若您是付款失敗,請於付款期限之內再次嘗試用信用卡付款。
    An order confirmation email will be sent to your email address upon each successful purchase. The email could be undelievered to your email system due to various reasons. The confirmation email is for notification purposes only. The inability to receive the confirmation email does not equal to failure of the transaction. You can visit “Your Billing List” to view the details of your orders. If you cannot view the related order or if you receive a cancellation notification email, that means your transaction failed and you should try ordering again. If your payment method fails during the purchase, please try again within the specified time limit.
  10. KKTIX 系統沒有固定的清票時間,只要消費者沒有於期限內完成付款,未付款的門票就會陸陸續續釋放出來,消費者可隨時留意網頁是否有釋出可購買的門票。
    KKTIX will release the tickets accordingly from the uncompleted orders by customers who do not finish the payment within the time limit. Customers can check the availability of tickets by visiting our website.


注意事項 Terms & Conditions

  1. 購票前請詳閱注意事項,一旦購票成功視為同意所有活動注意事項。
    Please pay attention to all terms and conditions. You agree to all rules and regulations if you complete your order.
  2. 為防止購票機器人,本次採用「實名制登記抽選」+「實名制認證+問答驗證」購票,謝謝各位配合。
    To maintain fair ticketing and prevent automated purchases, this fan meeting will use a Real-Name Registration Lottery system with ID verification and a quiz process for all ticket purchases. We appreciate your understanding.
  3. 一個身分證字號限持一張票券驗票入場,不得重複購票。每位驗證完成的會員帳號每場最多登記「一筆」訂單,每筆訂單最多登記「兩張」票卷。⁡同一場次及同一筆訂單均不可重複登記證件資料。請注意!為防止黃牛,送出表單後不得修改資料。
    Each member account may register for one order per event, with a maximum of two tickets per order. Each purchased ticket must register "ID information" and cannot be repeated. Ticket category restrictions: A single ID cannot be registered multiple times within the same same activity. Duplicate ID registration is prohibited: Each unique ID can only be registered once per order. Important! Submitted information is final: To prevent scalping, NO modifications are allowed after initial submission.
  4. 本次活動購票可透過KKTIX與AlipayHK:需加入會員並通過"手機號碼及電子郵件地址"驗證,請至少於啟售日前一天前完成驗證手續,以保障購票權益!
    Ticket purchases for this event are through KKTIX and AlipayHK. Please join as a member and complete "phone number and email address" verification at least one day before ticket sales begin to secure your purchasing rights!
  5. 已售出門票恕不接受任何退票、退款。
    No returns, exchanges or refunds will be accepted once the ticket is sold.
  6. 每票只限一人。一人一票、憑票入場。如遇門票遺失或損毀,恕不補發。請務必妥善保管好購買之門票。
    Each ticket admits one person only. No reissue of any ticket lost or damaged. Please keep your QR Code / e-ticket safe.
  7. 節目時長僅供參考,實際情況按現場為準。
    The programme duration is for reference only and is subject to the actual circumstances at the venue.
  8. 此活動的電子門票轉讓功能將於 2025年3月24日 凌晨12時起 提供。
    The e-ticket transfer function for this event will be available from 12:00AM, 24 March 2025.
  9. 持票者須使用 KKTIX 應用程式出示門票入場。入場前請確保手提電話已連接網絡,以便開啟應用程式內的門票。
    Ticket holders are required to present their e-ticket in the KKTIX App for entry. Mobile devices should be connected to the internet prior to the admission for accessing the ticket in the app.
  10. 請勿將電子門票 QR Code 截圖。動態 QR Code 將定時不斷更新,任何螢幕截圖或列印本 QR Code 均無效。
    Do not take a screenshot of the QR code on the e-ticket. The dynamic QR code will be updating regularly, and any screenshot or printout of the QR code will not be valid for entry.
  11. 活動門票必須從官方票務銷售點購買。任何損毀、污損、經過塗改、殘缺不全或複印之門票,一概將不受理。
    All tickets must be purchased from official ticketing agents. Defaced, damaged, copied or otherwise altered tickets will not be entertained.
  12. 此活動之門票須實名登記,請勿將訂單資料、票券或 QR Code 任意公開或提供給第三方。
    The tickets for this event require real-name registration. Please do not publicize your order details or the QR Code, or transfer the ticket to any third party.
  13. 本活動實行實名購票和入場制度,觀眾入場時需要提供身份證明文件以核實身份。門票登記資料不設任何更改,購票時請檢查清楚登記資料;如購票後無法出席,請閣下承擔相關風險。 如門票上的姓名跟身份證明文件不符,工作人員將拒絕持票人進場。
    Real-name ticket purchase and admission will be implemented for this event. Registration information on the ticket cannot be modified, please check the submitted information clearly upon ticket purchase; you may need to bear the relevant risks if you cannot attend the event after ticket purchase. Audiences will need to present their identity documents for verification when entering. If the name on the ticket does not match the identity document, entry of the ticketholder will be refused.
  14. 持有舉辦當地發行身分證者僅限填寫「身分證姓名」、 「身分證字號」,未持有舉辦當地發行身分證者僅限填寫「護照姓名」、「護照號碼」。此活動採實名制入場,活動當天請務必攜帶票券及身分證正本,於入口處出示給工作人員進行身分證及實名驗票,以便入場快速驗查,未攜帶有效身分證件或資料不符者不得入場。外籍人士請攜帶護照。證件請攜帶「實體」,不接受任何截圖或照片。若持票人身分證號與系統入場人資料不符,將無法進場。
    For residents, please use your "full name as listed on your ID" and "ID number" for registration. Non-residents fans should register using their "passport name" and "passport number." All attendees must register using their legal names. When attending the event, please bring both your ticket and original government-issued photo ID. Our staff will verify IDs and identities at the entrance to ensure a smooth entry process. Please note that we cannot admit anyone without proper ID or if the registration details don't match. Special verification applies to:- International attendees: Please bring your passport.
  15. 有效身分證件為有照片之有效證件正本(身分證、護照等,且證件照片 需可辨識為持證者本人。證件請攜帶「實體」,不接受任何截圖或照片。若持票人身分證號與系統入場人資料不符,將無法進場。
    Please note that we cannot accept digital copies or photos of identification documents. For everyone's security, entry will be denied if your ID information doesn't match your ticket registration. Valid Identification: Acceptable ID must be an original, government-issued photo ID (national ID or passport). The photo must clearly identify the holder. Only physical IDs are accepted; screenshots or photos are not permitted. If the ID doesn't match the registered information, entry will be refused.
  16. 如因重複購票現場只能擇一票券進場,為確保自身權益,請勿於拍賣網站或是其他非KKTIX與AlipayHK正式授權售票之通路、網站購票,除可能衍生詐騙 案件或交易糾紛外,若發生演出現場無法入場或是其他問題,主辦單位及KKTIX概不負責。
    Please note that if multiple tickets are purchased for the same person, only the first ticket registered will be valid for entry. For your protection, we strongly advise against purchasing tickets from unauthorized sellers, auction sites, or any platform other than KKTIX and AlipayHK. Neither the organizer or KKTIX will be responsible for any issues arising from unauthorized purchases, including denied entry or ticket disputes.
  17. 本活動所收集之資料,包含姓名、E-mail、手機、身分證字號等資訊,僅提供主辦單位做為活動現場核對身份及進一步使用於您所參加的活動,並不會做其他用途,亦不會將您的個人資料和活動資料提供給無關的第三方。為防止黃牛,一人一票,憑票入場,入場票券為記名票券,如發生遺失、燒毀 、破損等情形,概不予重新補發。
    Personal Information & Ticketing The personal information collected during ticket purchase, including name, email, phone number, and ID, is solely for event entry verification and will be used exclusively by the event organizers. We are committed to protecting your privacy and will not share your data with any unauthorized third parties. To prevent ticket scalping, all tickets are strictly non-transferable and issued with the attendee's name. Please note that we cannot replace lost, damaged, or destroyed tickets under any circumstances.
  18. 如發現購買門票時有任何不尋常的紀錄、炒賣、不正當方式購票 (如使用自動購票工具、惡意軟件或外掛程式)、購買超出限制的票數、或任何涉及違法的行為,KKTIX 有權取消其入場資格並保留一切法律追究的權利。所有已支付的門票費用,包括手續費及行政費均不會退還。如有任何爭議,KKTIX 保留拒絕或取消任何交易的最終決定權。
    If any unusual transactions, ticket scalping (e.g. use of automatic tools, macro programmes, malicious softwares or unauthorized browser extensions), purchase of exceeded amount of ticket, illegal acts or speculation is found, KKTIX has the right to cancel their qualifications of entry and reserves the right to take legal actions. All ticket fees paid, including booking and handling fees, will not be refunded. In case of any dispute, KKTIX reserves the right to reject or cancel any transaction.
  19. 經檢舉並查證核實,網路上有不法加價轉賣之情事。主辦有權取消該筆交易,座位將被釋出重新販售。
    If illegal resales with price markups are reported and verified, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the transaction, and the seat will be re-released for sale.
  20. 針對部分案件可能缺乏證據或以解除疑慮的情況,現場將會進行另外的身分確認,才允許入場。
    In cases where verification is required due to lack of evidence or concerns, identity confirmation will be conducted on-site before allowing entry.
  21. 請勿使用會發出強烈光線、聲音等干擾他人之應援物。請勿穿著可能影響他人 觀賞權益的服裝。
    For everyone's safety and enjoyment, items that produce intense light or loud sounds are not permitted at the venue. We kindly ask that you avoid wearing clothing that may obstruct the view of other attendees.
  22. 活動過程中會有工作人員進行拍照、錄影,用作日後活動宣傳使用,感謝各位觀眾的諒解。
    Please be aware that our staff will be taking photographs and recording video footage during the event for promotional purposes.
  23. 請勿持危險物品(易引爆物、銳利之刀劍等)進活動場內,如經發現將要求離場。
    For safety reasons, dangerous items such as weapons, sharp objects, or explosive materials are strictly forbidden - anyone found in possession of such items will be required to leave immediately.
  24. 本場館無提供寄物服務,建議可輕便前來或至附近寄放大型物品。
    Please note that the venue does not provide storage or cloakroom facilities. We recommend bringing only essential items or utilizing the storage lockers available for any large belongings.
  25. 主辦單位保有修改、變更或暫停之權利,如有未盡事宜,悉依主辦單位相關規定或解釋辦理,並得隨時補充公告之。購票前請詳閱注意事項,一旦購票成功視為同意所有活動注意事項。
    The organizer reserves the right to modify, change, or cancel the event. Any matters not specifically addressed will be handled according to the organizer’s rules and interpretations, and additional announcements may be made as needed. Please review all important information carefully before purchasing tickets. By purchasing a ticket, you agree to abide by all event terms and conditions.
  26. 本場次演出-禁止事項
    (1) 禁止攜帶爆裂物、違禁品、易燃物、酒精類飲品。
    (2) 禁止拍照錄音,攝/錄影,使用自拍棒等設備,干擾他人觀賞演出。
    (3) 禁止攜帶手拍、哨子、加油棒等製造聲響之物品。
    (4) 禁止攜帶折疊椅/椅凳。
    Prohibited Items for This Performance:
    (1) Explosive materials, contraband, flammable substances, and alcoholic beverages are not allowed.
    (2) Photography, audio or video recording, and the use of selfie sticks or similar devices that may disrupt others' enjoyment of the performance are prohibited.
    (3) Noise-making items such as hand clappers, whistles, and cheering sticks are not permitted.
    (4) Folding chairs or stools are not allowed.
  27. 本次活動皆無中場休息,為避免干擾演出秩序,影響全體購票者觀賞權益等情,開演後將停止入場。
    No intermission during the event. To avoid disruptions, late entry will not be permitted once the performance begins.
  28. 現場嚴禁飲食。如有違反,主辦方有權請其離場。
    No drinking or eating is allowed at the event. You might be asked to leave the venue if you fail to comply.
  29. 活動期間嚴禁使用任何器材攝影、錄影、錄音、直播或使用閃光燈。如經查獲,現場工作人員有權立即刪除本場活動的影音資料。
    Photography, videotaping, audio recording, live streaming and the use of flashing lights are strictly prohibited. If found, the staff has the right to delete the audio and video materials of the event immediately.
  30. 主辦單位將於演出前公布粉絲福利活動細節,合資格持票人須自行留意公告並準時到場出席。遲到者將被視作放棄參與並會被禁止進場。
    Details for fan benefits activities will be announced by the organizer before the event. Eligible ticket holders shall pay attention to the announcements and attend on time. Late-comers will be regarded as forsaking the opportunity and will be rejected for entry.
  31. 粉絲福利如有瑕疵請於開場前至大會服務台更換,逾期將不受理。
    If fan benefits have any defects, please exchange them at the service counter before the show starts. Requests made after the event will not be accepted.
  32. 請持票觀眾務必遵守主辦方及場館的各項規定。如有干擾活動進行之行為,主辦方有權請其離場。
    You must follow all rules and regulations arranged by the organizer and the venue. If anyone interferes with the event, the organizer reserves the right to ask them to leave the venue.
  33. 如有違反規範、且屢勸不願配合,主辦單位有權拒絕其入場。持票觀眾務必 遵守主辦單位及場館各項規定,如有干擾演出秩序之行為,主辦單位有權將 請其離場。若有任何問題,請於現場洽詢工作人員協助,謝謝配合。
    If event guidelines are violated and an attendee continues to disregard staff guidance despite multiple reminders, we reserve the right to deny entry. All ticket holders are expected to comply with venue and organizer policies to ensure a positive experience for everyone. Any behavior that disrupts the fan meeting may result in removal from the event. Our staff members are always available if you need assistance or have questions.
  34. 活動相關訊息變動,主辦單位保留隨時變更或終止此活動之權利。
    The organizer reserves the rights to suspend, terminate, amend or modify the event if there are any changes necessary.
  35. 如有任何爭議,主辦單位及 KKTIX 保留一切最終決定權。
    In case of any disputes, the decisions of the organizer and KKTIX shall be final.
  36. 有關活動資訊及詳情,歡迎向主辦單位 LifeDeCo (Facebook & X @holomeetxHKG25) 查詢。如對票務安排有任何疑問,歡迎 inbox KKTIX Facebook (KKTIX Hong Kong) 或 KKTIX Instagram (@kktix_hk) 查詢。
    For questions related to the programme or the event, please contact the organizer LifeDeCo (Facebook & X @holomeetxHKG25). For any ticketing enquiries, please send your message to KKTIX’s Facebook (KKTIX Hong Kong) or KKTIX’s Instagram (@kktix_hk). 

麥花臣場館 / MacPherson Stadium

Event Tickets

Ticket Type Sale Period Price
A - $980

2025/03/10 12:00(+0800) ~ 2025/03/30 20:30(+0800)
  • HKD$980.0
B - $780

2025/03/10 12:00(+0800) ~ 2025/03/30 20:30(+0800)
  • HKD$780.0
C - $680

2025/03/10 12:00(+0800) ~ 2025/03/30 20:30(+0800)
  • HKD$680.0
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